Tuesday, September 09, 2008

The Plan

Top of my head - this is what we are going to do this season.

As you have no doubt already realised we have 55 managers all in one big league - no fun there, unless you are near the top. So after week 12 we are going to split up into world cup like qualifying groups. The number of which and how many in each group will take me a bit longer to work out, but week 12 will be the split and each manager will retain their points.

Later in the season, we will determine when everyone comes back together again, but needless to say, the team with the season's most points will be crowned the N&R FL Champion.

New this season will be the Nobby & Ready Cup. Six rounds plus a Final and we will start that near the end of the year. Each round will take place when there is a full schedule of Premiership matches and each team will be drawn out of a hat and be paired in advance. The manager with the most points that week over his opponent, goes through to the next round. Exciting eh?

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