Wednesday, March 30, 2005

My kinda town

It's been a busy few weeks for Nobby. I finally moved into my new pad on Monday after what seems like ages after I closed on it. My last few weekends have been taken up with painting and decorating. And yes, that is why god decided that I would be an Insurance Broker.

It is good finally to have a place to call my own after living in 3 rented places in 17 months. I really don't want to see any bubble-wrap for a long while!

I need to tell people because it has been bugging me that a Paul Hurdle spitting image installed my television cable, just the Essex drawl was replaced by a Eastern European one.

It has been a hectic month work wise too. The April quarter is my busiest time but next week I am going on holiday and that is followed by a trip to London for a week with a client who I will hope to lose so I can get out and have a couple of pints. I will let people know if I can get out for a snifter.

So weeks 34 and 35 will be delayed I am afraid. Keep the transfers coming because they will be backdated. I am still short of some entry cash and will be bringing a list with me to the smoke to hopefully collect what is owed.

Hope to see you around the City in a couple of weeks. Nobs

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