Wednesday, March 02, 2005

My kinda town

I was back at home the weekend but didn't venture anywhere near the City. I am back again in April and will be around the market so I will let you know when and where for a sherbert.

I was back for Stuart Kilpatrick's wedding. I was his best man and clearly my speech was the highlight of the day! Truth be told I didn't eat a bloody thing and had two sips of wine before my turn came and I thought I was reasonably relaxed until it came to toasting the bride and groom and picked up my champers and my hand was shaking uncontrollably! It was a good day though and was good to see a few of the boys again.

It looks like next week will be my first full week in the office since the turn of the year which is quite handy as I'm very busy and have a ton of 3/31's, sorry 31/3's.

And this Friday I complete on my loft which I am buying and I will move in at the end of March when my current rental agreement runs out. Home Depot for me over the next few weekends!

I couldn't believe the weather at home, it was colder than here before I left but looks like normality has returned to Chicago because it was -9c today.

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