Wednesday, October 20, 2004

My kinda town

What is it with the clamour for a flu vaccine here? Hands up whose gay enough to have one? There is a shortage here because a British company shut down USA bound shipments from Chiron Corp after some batches of the vaccine, manufactured in Liverpool, were found to be contaminated with bacteria. The decision cut the US supply of flu shots almost in half and don't we bloody know it.

There's a war going on, a presidential election, some dickhead in New York is doing his best to fuck up the insurance industry and the Baseball 'world' series is looming but no, flu vaccine gate is all over the television & newspapers.

Young healthy men & women are literally fighting old ladies to get a jab first, often lining up (us Brits call it queuing, line ups are what you get in porn films) all night for the pleasure. Now the stupid Canadians have whispered too loud that they have tonnes of the gear. So now American's are travelling over the border in their 100's to get a flu jab, obviously subject to them having a passport which 90% of the population don't have, in the first place.

I can see fights breaking out at Post Office's as Americans desperately sign up for these things called passports that allow you to see such far away places such as Mexico just so they can head to Canada to get an injection that might stop them having a runny nose.

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