Monday, August 30, 2004

My Kinda Town

Well I'm still here as you may have guessed. The summer has been a disappointment according to the locals, however it has been shit loads warmer than London. The summer of course brings out the best in people, but then again....

The latest things to annoy me about America and it's wonderful collection of passport-less people are:

1. The TV is truly appalling. From the production and the adverts through to the programming. Just recently I watched the 'grand finale' of Who wants to marry my Dad? Basically three daughters (all gorgeous obviously) that during the past few weeks had to choose between 13 women to be the wife of their Dad. Stacy 'won' for the record. God it was awful, particulary watching the happy couple 'make out' in front of the 3 grinning, tearful daughters. I will never moan about UK Gold again.

2. Power walking (it's even got a website). Now what is that all about? On the Lakeshore you literally see hundreds of normally large people walking fast. What are they late for something or do they have a bus catch? What?

3. I have got used to being greeted by shop staff like I was a long lost family member, but the other weekend during a power shop it did slowly drive me mad. I am going to get a sign and put it around my neck saying "yes I am very well thank you, and no I am only browsing and yes it is a fine day thank you". Americans, you gotta love em.

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