Barry must be pleased with Palace's early start to the season, and likewise he can be pretty pleased with his own. Paris Eagles swoop into top place in Div 1 after week 1 with 57 points with Woody's Round Up in 2nd.
Two points, two flats and a packet of gravel are 3rd but don't fear Kennett always gets off to a flyer, in 4th is Bingo FC with 5th ex-champion Gooner win league.
Joint 5th is Alastair Bigg's Room with a view with current champion, To Elland Back, getting out of the blocks well in 7th. ThE DrEaM FacTorY are in 8th with one of the pre-season favourites Guinness & eggs in 9th and not one of the pre-season favourites is one of my favourite Balkans Davor and Non-Calculated Risk in 10th.
Turning Japanese in 15th is Giles and his hangover-inciting team name of Asahi Kirin Sapporo Saki Eight, 23rd is last Ken's The Magnificent Eleven, Ready's Hannoi Utd are 27th and probably for the only time this season, Nobby's Junior's are higher in 19th.
Bobby Z is world class are bottom a point behind Ted Striker's XI.
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