Mark Dewberry completed a fine season as he strolled to the Europa League title. The Toothless Hogget was someway clear of 2nd placed Soozie-Sooz Sizzlers who held onto 2nd place and also easily beat fiancee Ryan Saveall by a meaty 61 points. Ryan's Savlyuchenko Spurs were down in 9th.
In 3rd was early leader St George's Rovers. Put simply Razor should have been more active in the transfer market, but the patriotic one did have a good season but couldn't match his first place in the losers plate last season.
4th and the last Europa prize winner was Factastic Fancies. Sarah was the holder of the Best weekly score and collected another tenner for her league efforts. Missing out on the cash in 5th was the No Hopers, with ex-champ and new father Barry and 2Infinity & beyond in 6th and fantasy old timer and old father Alex Boswell and his Megan & Hannah's Teddy Bears in 7th.
One bloke I always look forward to sharing a Fosters with is Rutts and no doubt we will sink a few on Thursday but Goonersmoan ended a unspectacular season in 8th, Savlyuchenko will be getting it in the ear after his 9th place finish but Neville should be pleased with his Not a chance final placing of 10th, but with better transfer timing he will improve next season.

Fellow Tokio-ite Mono finished in exactly the same placing as last year, which was quite a feat for Blue flag up your arse. In 12th was Lovejoy Luvvies, another consistently mediocre season for Alex. 13th in the Europa League was our Irish charm Hilary and Pure Irish. Hills had a great start to the season and was 4th overall in week 4 but she has never quite recreated the days of her 4th place finish in 2005/06. Next up was Leigh's One night in Paris, down on last season's performance.
After Leigh was Torres Rosso. Aaran has all the abilities of a decent fantasy player.... so he once told me, yet we are yet to see it! Then talking of abilities we have Francey in 16th place. Keep the faith clearly missing the help this season of some whizz kid young arse kisser in the office!
In 17th was Real SociableLad. One of my favourite team names and Rob had a terrific early few weeks, made some transfers but just ended up going backwards but did finish above his ex-team mate Bingo FC. Behi
nd Rob and Wardy was Jimmy 5 Bellies, still on a diet we understand, and then in 20th was Chris' Californication. Busy man that Waterman flying around the world but he has never forgotten Nobby & Ready who gave him his first chance!

Did the Ginger Rabbit really win the coveted title five years ago? Do we need to go back and look at the DNA to see if he was chomping on performance enhancing carrots? This year's Ginger reincarnation Viking came 47th overall.
Ian Kennett and Goliath's big brother can only dream about winning the N&R FL. He did once come 15th though! 48th this year for the Folkestone Red. Next was Turtles Breath, and Martin is another manager who has been with us a long time but has never won fcuk all. Newbie Dan Martin and egg chasing is best had a decent start and even won a MoW but best stick to Rugger Bugging Dan.
Nancy Lollygaggers were 51st overall and Megan always gives it her best shot and this season unusually she got beaten by her other half Michael. Sexual favours for the summer then. Bloody hell I bet June 12th will be a bit lively in your apartment?!
Atlanta base
d James Down struggled the whole season and only improved slightly for Cesc and the city to finish 8th from bottom. Wenmania struggled a different way in that Wenners kept losing his job and therefore had about 5 email addresses throughout the season. He is now back in the market and I look forward to collecting a pint and another business card from him on Thursday.

Down under Huw's Adelaide Taffs just never got their season going, and Gianfrancophiles likewise. Severe beatings from the rest of the Aon Benfield team for Ben then. In 56th was Sweaty and That's not you. Lee's placings from the past 4 seasons: 56th, 52nd, 52nd and 51st! Enough said.
Squire Cryer and his beloved Rochdale Allstars (think that old bint who got slagged off by Gordon Brown in
the back of his limo left) finished 57th and 3rd from bottom. If he is looking for small mercies then it was an improvement on his bottom place finish a year ago!

Bottom of the whole lot, in 59th place was Mutley's Brighton Blues, the only team not to crack the 1,000 point mark. Dear, dear Paul it's like you've had nothing else to worry about!! And finally - and can you believe we really give a 10 quid prize for this? - in 58th and the penultimate place was Kilpo's Killers. I think you'll agree that this must rate quite highly in the list of Stuart's lifetime achievements!
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