Back on top after 7 weeks are Frank & Beans by two points with W Wallace boys and Tanus Terriers tied for 2nd place. Glasgow kiss and Aston Globetrotters swap places and Hannoi Utd and Steve's FFC 4 Ever are level on 536 pts in 6th.
In 8th is Lamb to the slaughter, 9th Godders@mobileemail.vodafone.net (in the top 10 for the first time this season) and Loads of Roubles fall to 10th.
Just behind this group Morgan Machines (513), Arsene Knows (508), Harry Houdini (507), Keep the Faith (504), Vodka Hooligan (503) and Paris Eagles (498). Closer together than the flaps on Lee Baughan's wallet.
At the bottom, we have Goonersmoan adrift. Then Nancy Lollygaggers in 57th, Adelaide Taffs falling quicker than Aon's share price since Huw joined and just above them are Rochdale Allstars.
Pure Irish lie in the midtable position next to sex pests Boys on Tour.
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