A lot kept to their old favourites such as Californication, Goonersmoan, Hannoi Utd, Arsene Knows, Boys on tour, 2Infinity & beyond, Nancy Lollygaggers, Keep the faith and one or two others.
There was a sausage theme in both Ryan's and Soozie's name. Ready has seen the photos and told me it's more chipolata than polish. Guinness, eggs, pies, kebabs, lamb and pot noodles are all listed and Arsenal are mentioned no less than 4 times, which is not something we're encouraging. Mark Simmons will tell us that he names his side after his team too!
Cyril Smith I believe gets a first ever N&R airing. I do like a Hot Pink Center (sic), who doesn't? Dangleberry Rovers appeals, more so than Beaver Ruin (a place in Atlanta apparently). Barry Paull celebrates his move to Paris with a re-branded, as does Nobby.

I had to Google Pohutukawas, Pot Noodle Miners, Who you calling Big Nose and Tallywacker's Bukkake Marathon (blocked by work not surprisingly, so don't even try!).
Simple but clever was Real Ale Madrid, St Mirnoff FC, Dynamo Kebab and Bent it like Bentley. but two of my favourites are Bingo FC, named after Simon Ward lookalike (see picture) and Sheron's ready to fac. Oh yes she is.
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