Thanks to you all for your patience, and the the many posts below will hopefully give you plenty of reading material and a nice round up of the season.
This was our 17th (Seventeenth) N&R FL season..... some of you whipper snappers were in nappies, when Keith and I used to hand deliver the weekly results!
Our reach is now way beyond the London Property Market and we now have managers from Atlanta, Chicago, Munich, Sydney, Adelaide, Auckland, Paris, New York and Bermuda all playing.
The N&R FL is if I'm honest often a labour of love, but it is very rewarding and it's especially been a fantastic way for Keith during his time away and me for the last 10 years of keeping in touch with old mates and acquaintances as well as be able to meet and get to know many new people.
Thank you to every one for competing and staying with us, and joining in the banter. A special thank you to Mark Simmons, who is our master of scoring, and whom without the N&R FL would not happen, on this scale anyway.
We hope to see as many of you as possible on July 11th.
Nobby & Ready
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