Mistakenly the nurses appear to think I am some kind of sportsman. Those that know me will not read the rest of this post because they will be on the floor wetting themselves.
I should also refer the polite nurses to my physio who when discovering the extent of my injury asked me if I warmed up before playing football.
"Does the 5 minute walk to the indoor gym count?" I asked. Well not really she replied. "What about warming down?" she said.
"Well I walk back."
Fortunately for me this is my first ever surgery despite being in my 40's. Previously the closest I've ever come to understanding operations, was that funny little board game with the tweezers!
Sadly despite years of paying or contributing to private healthcare both in the UK and the US, I had to have my first ever operation in the King Edward Memorial Hospital in Bermuda. Imagine Lewisham Hospital after the war.
And it does seem that in the two years I have lived here I've spent more time in this place than any other hospital in my life. We do have an option to have operations off island but this particular surgeon was recommended by well over 10 people and he did fill me with a lot of confidence, unlike the admitting nurse this morning who spent five minutes telling me that she'd had the same procedure but now her shoulder was fully recovered. I grabbed the black felt tip pen out of her hand and drew a huge circle on my right knee.
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