Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Nobby & Ready would like to send our congratulations to Barry and Lorraine Plummer on the birth of their little girl Sienna Louise, who was born a couple of weeks ago.

Barry tells this story of the classic nightmare phone call being stuck downstairs in a boozer in the city when the phone goes:

"It was quite a close run thing to a home delivery as when I phoned for the ambulance he was giving me all the blurb.........make sure she's lying down flat, get some cushions, wet towels etc....!!!!

Lorraine went into labour about 1130 and phoned me, I then got on the 1148 train and made it home for 1220, I took one look at Lorraine and said we need an ambulance. The ambulance arrived at 1300 and we got to the birthing centre at the hospital at 1320 and I watched my lovely daughter arrive into the world at 1400 in the birthing pool. The midwife even let me cut the cord."

She weighed in at 8 pound and 8 ounces and height is 56cm. Shame she likely be Palace!

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