Richard known as Razor in the market for his cutting wit, sharp suits, knife edge drinking habit, his bluntness with the ladies, jagged jaw line and serrated capacity for numbers left me wondering why he chose this name back in August.
Was it after his local boozer? Nope. Some previous dragon slaying that he has kept locked in his closet? Nope. Or perhaps George after his favourite playwright George Bernard Shaw? Don't be silly. His favourite television character then.... George Roper? Mrs Nathan had told me of Richard's propensity to keeping a jar of pickled onions by the bed. Just in case. But no.
It was far simplier than that and it is abundantly clear of course why Richard would pick this name for this season. St George. Stanley Matthews. Bobby Moore. Kevin Keegan. Terry Butcher. Gazza. Becks. Rooney. South Africa. World Cup glory.
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