Willis' team led by Ian Kennett with cheerleaders Kirsty and Sarah flapping their pom pom's in support have broken the 1,000 point barrier and are looking good for retaining the trophy (yes girls there will be a new trophy). In second and breathing down Willis' necks are Ready & Sav and Bluefin. Both have won the N&R title before and will be used to the pressure as we enter the final part of the season.
In 3rd is the huge team from Aon Benfield with no less than four managers in the overall top 10, which is a remarkable acheivement yet a couple of stragglers are holding the team back from dominance. In 4th is the joint Mexican/Maidstone effort from RSA.
5th is Aon's International team comprising Bermuda, Chicago, Serbia and Australia. In fact it is our friend downunder holding us back at the mo. 6th place is QBE and the threesome of Wrighty, Wardy and Saxon.
Down in 7th Henry leads Chartis' challenge this year but despite a name change too many slackers mean that it will be another year probably before the famous trophy gets to sit on Francey's desk. Mono and Neville and Tokio are next up with the wooden spoon currently belonging to Lloyds. This despite their ranks being added to by Godders entrance to the famous building. Edward Lloyd will be turning in his grave....
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