Bugger me. Rutts has won a MoW award, a fiver, enough for a pint and a half of Fosters. Top man. Goonersmoan swept to the best weekly score in week 26 with 63 points, a couple more than greedy Vodka Hooligan, who have already won 3 MoW's this season. W Wallace Boys bounced back with a 52, and the trio of Gunner Bag It, Loads of Roubles and Soozie-Sooz Sizzlers all hit a half century.
Torres Rosso back from the darkness scored 46, Guinness & eggs 45, To Elland Back 45, Gooner win league and bottom team Cesc and the city 44 - James' best score for ages.
Notable week 26 scores were 38 from both title challengers Tanus Terriers and In Tatters, a decent 35 from Turtles Breath, 26 each from Egg chasing is best, Killer Kilpo and Hill's Pure Irish and 24 from Wenmania (if anyone has Wenners home email address please send, ta.)
Worst weekly score of 11 went to Paul's Brighton Blues and Ben's Gianfrancophiles, who frankly should know better!
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