The first week of the Oldies and Young 'Uns split and a shock MoW winner in Sweaty Lee Baughan and 83 points. A terrific effort from the Bow boy's That's not you. 83 points is also the season's 6th best weekly score. Next up was Paris Eagles with 77, a season-high for Bazza. One night in Paris shot their load in week 21 with a cracking 74, also a season-high for Leigh. Likewise for the No Hopers, Michael pocketing 68.
Not a chance may well have a chance of Neville continues like this, 65 for him and 63 for Razor's St George's Rovers. 62 points for Alex's Megan and Hannah's Teddy Bears and 61 each for 2Infinity and beyond and Savlyuchenko Spurs. AIG's Hills and Dewbs both came up with the same score in week 21. 59 for Pure Irish and the Toothless Hogget.
Morgan Machines and Arsene Knows both slipped in a 57 and Gunner Bag It and Gianfrancophiles finished the week with a 56 each.
Other notable efforts or lack off were by Glasgow kiss (54), Adelaide Taffs (54), Killer Kilpo (51), Blue flag up your arse (43), Frank & Beans (39), Tanus Terriers (28) and W Wallace Boys a season-low of 14.
The lowest weekly score was Goonersmoan on 13.
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