It's fair to say that long time N&R FL player Martin Singleton hasn't been one of our most successful managers, and after he'd chosen his starting XI back in August he perused Viz's Rogers Profanisaurus for inspiration for a team name to support his team's title chances.
For those not have being blessed by Viz magazine, Roger's Profanisaurus is a compendium of profanity featuring the foulmouthed Viz character Roger Mellie, the man on the telly. Flicking through Roger's Profanisaurus Martin's team could have been paired with all kinds of euphemisms, such as:
Becksfart n. Brand-specific lager hangover flatulence. Has an aroma a bit like egg mayonnaise. or Velcro arse n. medic. Descriptive of the condition of the bum cheeks after a long, hot day.
But he settled on Turtles Breath, something to do with smelly borborygmi Roger Mellie style. "This neatly sums up the performance of my selection this year," said Preston fan Martin proudly.
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