A) Really worried and have bought a face mask
/ 0%
B) Slightly worried and avoiding Mexicans and Burritos
////////////////// 30%
C) Think the whole thing is BBC and CNN propganda
//////////////////// 35%
D) Not worried in the slightest and just been on Expedia to book a cheap holiay to Cancun.
///////////////// 30%
E) Other
/// 5%
A close one indeed. I agree that I should have added The Sun to the C), a few people requested that. Ian Kennett's answer was to avoid shagging pigs, for some of us I think that is probably too late. You know who you are? Rob.
Tim in Chicago asked me if this only relates to English pigs. I don't know but I much preferred the English back bacon to that you get in America, although there was once this brunette.....
Steve Black blamed Sven-Goran Erikkson but I will leave the last thoughts with James Down: "I held my breath in the lift with a Mexican builder on Wednesday. I was almost blue by the time we negotiated 17 floors. But, a question. Had I died from lack of oxygen from not breathing, would I have been listed as an official death due to Swine Flu?" Thoughts?
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