Barry Plummer picked up his first MoW award of the season as 2Infinity & Beyond blasted to a 46-point score and a place nearer the top of the Grand Final League Table. In 2nd during week 35 was Nobby's Bermuda Shorts, with 43. I am hoping a couple of little transfers move be back into the big time.
Next was Curbishley is s**t with 41, we have between us girls been disappointed in Wizzo's comeback season. It started badly and never improved but it was a good week from Dave nonetheless. Also with 41 was Elland (Glad) Back, and on 40 Chicago's best Hot Pink Center.
Soozies and her Succulent Sizzlers, due to move into her dream house shortly scored a 39, just think her and Sav can sit in bed working out their week's scores. Ah, bless.
38 for new table-topper Gooner win league, 37 from title challengers Loads of Roubles FC and Ian's Who are you calling Big Nose. 35 from both Torres Rosso and Team GB and 'just' 33 from Godders' Bollocks to Insurance, enough for him to lose the top spot after 12 weeks at the helm.
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