AIG have found an excellent young prospect in Aaron Bardon. I mean he crap at underwriting by all accounts, but he does know his fantasy football! Last year in his first appearance he came a fine 12th and this year ended up 5th, the highest placed AIG player. He spent all but 2 weeks in the top 7 and had a long time at No.1 only beaten by eventual champ PK.
Ah, the mirthful PK. The latest name to appear on a long list of illustrious N&R champions. Paul first came to prominance in 2004 when after Alan Waters employed him, one of Paul's first tasks was to save his new bosses fantasy team from relegation. Waters basically fired himself and Paul took over the reigns of Happy Hammers and saw them to safety.

The next few seasons out on his own PK turned in an 8th, a 17th and then in 05-06 he was runner up to Sooozie. Then last time out he slumped a little to 11th, but boozy lunches with Rutts and Francis did probably not help him after his move from Willis.
This season early on he was always on the fringe of the title battle but it wasn't really until November that he picked up the pace. Then in the 2nd week of January he took over the top spot from Ben Graves, who only took it off Bardon the week before and PK never looked back. He held back transfers well and come around about mid-April it was easy all the way.
He also won 5 MoW awards, including that week in January, when he blew away the competition with a 112-point week. Congratulations Paul, the trophy is being engraved by Ready's personal silversmith.
Rob Munden first became a regular N&R manager in 2000 and has had quite a bit of success, although he is more widely known for announcing to the world (well about 30 other managers) that he was once caught w@nking by a window cleaner at his Mum's house. This season Rob ran a good race, flirting with the prize money for the bulk of the camapaign, and eventually finishing a worthy 9th after a surge during the last few weeks. Consistency was the key for the dirty Leeds fan, and Rob also won 4 MoW prizes.
Davor is still gloating over Croatia's win over England. If he wasn't such a nice chap (and 6ft 10), then I would have shoved McLaren's umbrella up his Dubrovnik when we all watched the final qualifying game, especially when his Dad called and the pub was so silent you could hear them laughing in Croatian. Anyway, as I said he's a nice bloke (for a Croatian) but after a reasonable first season, this one he was poor and he really made no impact finishing 19th in the plate.
James Down is currently sweating it out down in Atlanta for Aspen after moving at the beginning of the year. This I'd imagine upset his N&R FL form (it did mine) and relegation to The Plate ended with James flapping around the bottom half of the table with 5 transfers left.
Hilary Ryan was impressive last season, and started this season in Div 1. She ended up slipping into The

Rutts has no call to feel as proud. A consistent struggler over the years he started slow and ended up in The Plate, where he just sank towards the bottom, a far cry of the man who finished 3rd in 2004 in one of the closest title races we have ever had. Rob Beere was another who did not rise to the occassion, although I believe he did once but that is another story. A feeble finish for Rob in 20th of The Plate.

Our fantasy sheep shagger Huw Thomas had a very good season. 93 points the Welshman struck in week 23, and at that point Huw had the 4th best score in the whole competition. He made the Title Race and hung in despite rumours of him being infatuated by Ness from Gavin and Stacey. But come week 35 Thomas the tank engine was full steam ahead and he had a fine last few weeks to make the earnings board.
Wizzo, what an earth happened in week 28 mate? -3 points. You should be ashamed of yourself, particularly after you snatched the 25 nicker for worst weekly score away from Nobby! Dave actually finished the season in quite decent form finishing in 11th place of The Plate. Chris Waterman, another perennial N&R FL man. With 3 top 10 finishes in the early part of this decade, last season and this has seen a return to relegation form for the AIG'er. Chris actually started the season pretty well but fell down the table like Barry Paull at the Christmas party.
Part 3 to follow.
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