A monumental week for most of the N&R FL managers, many of whom made season-best scores in week 21. Of course most Premier League sides played two games in four days resulting in double bubble and certain managers made some big scores and greatly improved their positions in each division.
In Div 2 Barry Plummer, who was perhaps surprised to find himself in tier two despite his previous title win but that is what happens when you describe yourself as a Palarse fan, and yes Barry I am very bitter, got the biggest Christmas bonus grabbing a N&R 2007/08 best score of 95 points and propelling himself into 2nd place in the table. The next shiniest bauble was by Ben Graves, who scored a 87 and then Shay Reddy with wrapped the week up with 84.
Back in Div 2 Michael Stout continued his excellent sleigh-run with a 79-point week, then it was Paul Kelleher knocking up a (rein)deer 77. Helen Hotties was another that had a very nice Christmas stocking, filled up with 75 points, one more than elf-like Dom Barrett.
Alan Oakley and Alex Byatt both sleighed in with 73. Under the mistletoe was Rob Beere with a round 70 and trust Ryan Saveall to Christmas party all night like it was (19)69.
67 points fell down the chimney for Paul Hargis and Neil Cryer and it was not a silent night for either Alex Boswell or Aaron Barden who both hit a Christmas number 61.
Other managers who deserve a toast of Christmas spirit were Soozie Syrett, whose gift parcels would have been a joy to unwrap, Ready, who had more spirit than he would care to remember and Chris Wright, our newest star.
The three wise men Sweaty, Doyley and Singleton each brought season bests. Santa received Razor Nathan's list and gave him another good scoring week and a partridge in a pear tree for Wenners.
Surprise, surprise the Christmas turkey, or should I say Holiday turkey was for Tim Feldbruegge, who scored just 17, 3 french hens less than Barry Paull.
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