Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Catch up

Not for the first time I'm playing a bit of catch up. I could make excuses but frankly none of you are worth it!

Anyway you are probably all hungover, still drunk or waking up in a wrong bed. Nope I don't miss those days at all. Why would I when I can drink iced tea and eat burgers and be so fat that I need a seat-belt extension on a plane? Jealous, huh?

Week 17 is below, week's 18 and 19 to follow by the end of the week, hopefully. If by the way you want to share any dark secrets of Christmas party shenanigans, then do tell. I heard about Ryan, and Francey and Kennett. But what about Helen or Hilary or Suzie?

Come on let me in. All I have here is a Miller Lite for company....

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