The couple "were going at it pretty good" but their fun came to an end when the copper burst in. The report said that the girl had her pants on inside out and had also lost her season ticket, which was a good thing because it was about to be confiscated. The bloke shrugged and insisted that all they were doing was having a pee together - well, whatever rocks your boat.
Anyone reading this outside of the USA will need to take into account that this couple were from Wisconsin and booze and hot-dogs probably played their part!
This story of course got me thinking. I did once have a stiffy when Clive Mendonca scored a sublime winner at Tranmere one Friday night but sex is something not normally on my mind at a footie match, ever since they got rid of the majorettes that is. If anything a loss will always spark abstinence in my house and a win would mean 10 pints of lager, so shagging would never be a possibility but you got love those Badgers.
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