N&R Fantasy manager Martin Singleton tells me of a great story following his beloved Preston North End over Christmas. This is Martin's story:
"Being completed bored senseless back at work, I wondered if any other Fantasy League member travell

Me and Mrs S went up to Preston on Sat 23rd Dec to see the mighty (his words not mine) PNE beat Colchester 1-0 (Nugent) - total distance 246 miles.
We then came back down on Boxing day to see the Darts World Championships at Purfleet the next day - another 246

Then we were up at 4.30am on Saturday 30th Dec to fly up to Newcastle to see Sunderland v Preston - another 0-1 (Nugent.) - total distance 281miles approx.
We got completed bladdered (wankered for our southern friends and hammered for our American friends) in Newcastle on Saturday night (bed at 2.00am) but were up at 7.00am for flight back to Stansted - another 281 miles.
We were supposed to go into town on NYE to see the fireworks but fell asleep on the settee and couldn't be arsed when we woke up!
Total distance travelled - approx 1054 miles. Total pints (English pints, not small American ones) drunk on those 3 days - approx 33 + the odd glass of vino tinto.
1. Can any other member of the Nobby & Ready Fantasy League beat this?
Anyone out there? Francey? Godders? Knouse?
2. Would PNE be completely sh!t@ if we sold Nugent?
Probably yes, but think that the price Simpson has put on his head will scare teams off. I really hope PNE go up this year.
Happy New Year to you all.
Martin Singleton, pie eater and global traveller.
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