Monday, May 29, 2006

My kinda town - Banks part II

I recently wrote about banks and how annoying they were, well I was in Citibank last week transferring some hard earned dough back home (about $3,000, which = 47p) and I said to the chap that I needed to wire some money to London. This is how the conversation followed, no bullshit:

Bank bloke: "Ok sir, hope you are having a great day (was about 8.45am), now you said London, correct?"
Me: "Yes"
Bank bloke: "That's in Turkey then, right?"
Me with incredulous look: "Er, no. The UK"
Bank bloke feverishly typing: "Oh, of course, the UK."
Me: "Yep."
Bank bloke: "Er, U.... K?"
Me: "The United Kingdom!"
Bank bloke: "Of course. Euro's then?"
Me: "No, pounds.... GBP!"
Bank bloke scrolling down his screen: "Oh, here. GBP's."

How much for this little charade? $40 fucking dollars. Clearly not paying towards staff training, but he probably graduated with a business degree from the University of Idiotville, Ohio and will never see outside of his country so why is it important that he thinks London is in Turkey eh? Its all Europe isn't it?

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