Wednesday, September 28, 2005

My kinda town

I had my haircut tonight, its on the way home so I walked from the office but got caught in a huge rain storm on the way.

By the time I got to the hairdressers I was a soaked through. Maria, my rather large breasted hairdresser, (she's a good hairdresser honest!) greeted me and took my bag and I headed off for a hair wash.

The young bird who is employed to wash hair (its got to be up there with one of the worst jobs alongside a chiropodist and a body waxer) sits me down for the obligatory shampoo and head rub (the best bit) and there I am with my eyes closed thinking of train crashes and she says to me: "Gee, your pants are all wet!"

How the hell did she know that I wonder? What is it they say? Two nations separated by one language?

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