219, 908, 1028, 921, 852, 922. Hotel room numbers and my homes for the past 16 days. A tiring but enjoyable journey taking in Miami Beach twice, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Puerto Rico and how I miss being a complete stranger in a big city.
In retrospect we should have stayed in Puerto Rico longer, I loved what we saw of this old and new Latin island, and wished we could have explored it more fully. Back in Bermuda this morning, the weather is slightly dreary but I still have a desk and a computer, which is a good thing.
Being off the island for some time had got me in a scrutinising mood and, probably the completely wrong attitude, but I kept thinking that I honestly don't believe I'll ever settle in Bermuda, settle in that I will accept my life here as 'normal.' Funny word 'normal' I know but living on a 21-sq. mile island surrounded by coral reefs is not what I got old believing is normal.
Yes, I know I am lucky to be able to live and work here for a period of my life cocooned in a tropical offshore bubble away from what is a deepening recession in the US and the UK, although I personally reckon Bermuda's obtuse attitude to worldwide affairs will come to bite them on the arse at some point.
I can only hope that in time I can supress my consternation at the many things that wind me up here, spending more time off-island will help but it's almost impossible to compartmentalise work and home as they overlap at every corner, even though we have made some very good friends.
But with scrutiny comes discernment and I tell myself every day, if you don't push yourself, and take opportunities when presented, then one lives not knowing what could have been. I'd rather know. Would be interested to know what the other ex-pats in the N&R FL think, there are a fair few of us.
A quiet week in store back home, I'm hoping to catch up on a few
Oscar nominees and was seriously thinking of a detox after eating and drinking out every night for 3 weeks - someone told me about the maple syrup, lemon juice, cayenne pepper and hot water one. Lose a pound a day, probably through vomiting. I'll think about it.